Clothes from movies n' shows
Bret's Polar Bear Shirt

Bret's Polar Bear Shirt

We’ve searched around a bit for this t-shirt, which features a polar bear cub, but were unable to find the exact t-shirt Bret is wearing. We found a t-shirt with the same polar bear cub image, but it has the words ‘save me,’ under the image. We reckon you could probably get the t-shirt printer to just print the image and leave out the words, if you ask.



Bret's Zebra Shirt
Bret's Zebra Shirt

This t-shirt has a couple of Zebras on it. Bret wore in in Flight of the Conchords. There is nothing else to say, other...

Bret's Macaw Shirt
Bret's Macaw Shirt

The parrot on Bret’s t-shirt, above, is a scarlet macaw. They are generally found in Central/South America, but...

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Bret's Panda Shirt
Bret's Panda Shirt

This pale yellow shirt features an image of a mysterious panda bear, sitting behind some bamboo stalks. What more can we...

Bret's Rap Dancin' Shirt
Bret's Rap Dancin' Shirt

Bret wore this t-shirt in many episodes, including the premiere of Flight of the Conchords and the opening sequence....

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Blake's 7/11 Lurk Shirt
Blake's 7/11 Lurk Shirt

In season 05 episode 02 of Workaholics, for a brief moment, Blake wore a t-shirt with an upside down 7-11 logo with the word...

Jeremy's Birds Shirt
Jeremy's Birds Shirt

After much frustration and energy we’ve found Jeremy’s t-shirt here, which we were calling the “two birds on a cloud...

Mark Zuckerberg's Gap Hoodie
Mark Zuckerberg's Gap Hoodie

The Gap sweatshirt that Jesse Eisenberg wore in the Social Network, while portraying Mark Zuckerberg, is possibly the most recognizable item...

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Nightman Lyrics Shirt
Nightman Lyrics Shirt

In season 03 episode 09 of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Charlie writes a song titled ‘Nightman.’ At band rehearsal...

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Dr Garvin's Wristband
Dr Garvin's Wristband

The wristband that Dr. Garvin (Jemaine Clement) wore in the film, Avatar: The Way of Water, is from a company called PARA’KITO. If you...

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Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad Shirt
Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad Shirt

During the premiere episode of ‘Talking Bad’, which is a talk show (hosted by chris Hardwick) that plays after every episode of...

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