Leonard's Robot Shirt
Leonard has worn this t-shirt in a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory. The only only shop we found that carries it, is an ebay seller. It’s a UK based seller, but they ship worldwide!
Leonard has worn this t-shirt in a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory. The only only shop we found that carries it, is an ebay seller. It’s a UK based seller, but they ship worldwide!
This, barely visible, olive drab t-shirt features the international hazard symbol for radiation on it. The symbol first...
Check it out →You’re a 21st century type of person. You buy fair trade, watch your water consumption and recycle. You feel good...
Check it out →Epinephrine, or adrenaline as it is colloquially called, is the chemical released by the adrenal gland in the human...
Check it out →If you’re looking for a t-shirt with a joke on it, that will go over the heads of most people, then this shirt is...
Check it out →Hey! Pay attention, bud. There’s a Flash t shirt in the image above. Move your eyes slightly to the right. This is yet another Flash...
Stomp, Clap, Stomp Stomp, Clap! If you’re looking to be a Bird of War like Dennis and the gang did in It’s Always Sunny in...
Check it out →The graphic on Wooderson’s (Matthew McConaughey) t-shirt in Dazed and Confused is that of Ted Nugent and The Amboy Duke’s...
Check it out →It might be hard to tell in the screenshot but Josh, from 30 Rock, is wearing a special Ludachristmas t-shirt that says, ‘Luda...
Check it out →The glasses Dana Carvey wore in Wayne’s World, while playing Garth, are such a simple item, yet so iconic. Put these glasses on anyone...
Check it out →Sherlock isn’t the only one in the series who gets to have serious style. His nemesis, Jim Moriarty (played by Andrew Scott), wears...
Check it out →