Clothes from movies n' shows
Robert Paulson's World Gym Shirt

Robert Paulson's World Gym Shirt

His name is Robert Paulson; and he wears a World Gym t-shirt in Fight Club. His name is Robert Paulson; and he is played by Meat Loaf. In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name, his name is Robert Paulson.

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Tyler Durden's Sock It to Me Shirt
Tyler Durden's Sock It to Me Shirt

As with most of the apparel worn by Brad Pitt, while playing Tyler Durden in Fight Club, this Sock It To Me shirt was...

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Tyler Durden's Stars Shirt
Tyler Durden's Stars Shirt

A recent request came in for the ‘stars’ t-shirt that Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) wore in Fight Club. IIRC,...

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Tyler Durden's Hustler Shirt
Tyler Durden's Hustler Shirt

In my effort to curate every item worn by Tyler Durden in Fight Club I present to you Tyler’s Hustler mesh shirt...

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Tyler Durden's Motorcycle Jacket
Tyler Durden's Motorcycle Jacket

This is the other Tyler Durden jacket from Fight Club. When people think about Tyler Durden’s jacket, they usually think...

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Fawkes' Zombie Repellent Shirt
Fawkes' Zombie Repellent Shirt

When the zombies do come (and yes they will) make sure you have all the proper supplies to prepare yourself for the end days. One of those...

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Sheldon's Meta Green Lantern Shirt
Sheldon's Meta Green Lantern Shirt

This shirt features a big Green Lantern symbol. Inside that big Green Lantern symbol are smaller Green Lantern symbols. That makes this...

Will Ferrell's American Flag Thong
Will Ferrell's American Flag Thong

You’re way proud to be an American and need a tasteful way to show off that pride. There’s no better way to do that than this...

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Dr Garvin's Wristband
Dr Garvin's Wristband

The wristband that Dr. Garvin (Jemaine Clement) wore in the film, Avatar: The Way of Water, is from a company called PARA’KITO. If you...

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Gob's Banana Suit
Gob's Banana Suit

Sure, the guy in the 600 dollar banana suit, COME ON! That’s probably how much it would cost you to make your very own Bluth Banana...

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Blake's Lurk Hard Shirt
Blake's Lurk Hard Shirt

Lurking, in skateboard vernacular, is when you’re driving around looking for good spot to skate. In internet language it means hanging...

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