Clothes from movies n' shows
Sheldon's Wesley Crushers Shirt

Sheldon's Wesley Crushers Shirt

The shirt in the above screenshot was made specifically for The Big Bang Theory. Typically that means it would be difficult to find a supplier for the shirt, but luckily one smart company started selling them on Amazon.

If you are wondering the meaning behind the shirt; in the episode where it is revealed, Sheldon was playing Wil Wheaton in bowling. Wil Wheaton played himself (superb actor who starred in the critically acclaimed TV series, Star Trek The Next Generation). In TNG his character’s name was Wesley Crusher; get it?

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Sheldon's Faded Batman Shirt
Sheldon's Faded Batman Shirt

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Sheldon's Robots Shirt
Sheldon's Robots Shirt

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Sheldon's Vitruvian Superman Shirt
Sheldon's Vitruvian Superman Shirt

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Sheldon's Flash Equation Shirt
Sheldon's Flash Equation Shirt

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Sheldon's Hawkman Shirt
Sheldon's Hawkman Shirt

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Mr. Banana Grabber Shirt
Mr. Banana Grabber Shirt

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Marty McFly's Future Nikes
Marty McFly's Future Nikes

Looking to get the shoes Marty McFly wore in Back to the Future Part 2? Well, you’re in luck. Nike manufactured the futuristic kicks a few...

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Mac's Hell Yeah Shirt
Mac's Hell Yeah Shirt

Hell Yeah! There’s nothing like two beefcakes, with significant body mass, rolling around and having a good old fashioned wrestle. Mac...

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Dexter's Gloves
Dexter's Gloves

We’re hoping you want to get Dexter’s gloves because you got a new motorcycle or they just looked comfy to you. We are really hoping you...

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Seth Rogen's Pinata Shirt
Seth Rogen's Pinata Shirt

Ok, you can’t see it in the image above (and I don’t think you can at all throughout Knocked Up), but in the film Seth...

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