Clothes from movies n' shows
Uncle Rico's Shirt

Uncle Rico's Shirt

This shirt is awesome and we want to find it. We haven’t had any luck getting much information about the shirt on the interwebs; the best we found was an old shirt.woot derby entry that, seemingly, never made it to print.

Update: You can now get this shirt on amazon.

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Kip Dynamite Shirt
Kip Dynamite Shirt

If you are trying to assemble a Kip Dynamite outfit (from Napoleon Dynamite) the first thing to get is the shirt. In the...

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Napoleon's Summer Time Utah Shirt
Napoleon's Summer Time Utah Shirt

This t-shirt says “Summer Time Utah.” It’s not the most interesting t-shirt, but since we were...

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Kip Dynamite Glasses
Kip Dynamite Glasses

If you are trying to assemble your own Kip Dynamite outfit (from Napoleon Dynamite) you are going to need to get your...

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Napoleon Dynamite's Boots
Napoleon Dynamite's Boots

We knew it would be tough to find the boots Napoleon Dynamite wore in the movie. They look like some early 90s snow...

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Sheldon's Quantum Shirt
Sheldon's Quantum Shirt

This seems like a pretty straightforward shirt to the less learned of us, but in reality there is some pretty heavy stuff on it. The shirt...

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Lou's Iron Maiden Shirt
Lou's Iron Maiden Shirt

It might be slightly difficult to see the graphic on Lou’s (Rob Corddry) shirt from Hot Tub Time Machine, but trust us, it is an Iron...

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Bluth Banana Stand Apron
Bluth Banana Stand Apron

Give me a Gob. As in a double dipped banana with everything on it. That’s what you’ll be hearing when you get this Bluth Family...

Jeremy's Camouflage Jacket
Jeremy's Camouflage Jacket

Jeremy wears this camouflage jacket, or one similar, throughout the entire series of Peep Show. These types of jackets/shirts go by a few...

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Scream Mask
Scream Mask

This site is all about clothes and accessories worn in film and shows; how could we have such a website and not include the infamous scream...

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Stan Mikita Donuts Mug
Stan Mikita Donuts Mug

Stan Mikita was a famous hockey player who played for the Chicago Black Hawks. In Wayne’s World, Wayne and Garth hang out in a donut...

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